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My Motherhood Mantra


I was looking back through old photos to when Adelaide was nothing more than a couple of cells making me extremely tired and sick. And then when she was quite a bit bigger, causing all sorts of ligament pain and sleeplessness. And then the sleeplessness really set in when she made her debut as a tiny newborn. All while Lincoln learned how to walk and talk, while teething and pooping in the bath.

“Someone should really start marketing exercise balls to new moms,” I remember thinking as I bounced.

My darling girl who generally refused cuddling wouldn’t close her eyes unless she was being held. And bounced. And sung to.

It was sometime after 2 am. And I was tired. So tired.

And my mind wandered to those sleepless newborn nights. And then to Lincoln’s newest phrase that week. And I wondered what Adelaide would be like as a little two year old, a year and a half from now.

And I remembered, “this too shall pass.”

When things are hard and I don’t feel like I can keep going, I tell myself I can do anything for a day and “this too shall pass.” When I’m tempted to spend the afternoon scrolling away on my phone, I try to glance down at these babies and remember “this too shall pass.”

I want it posted above the sink so I can be reminded I won’t be washing bottles forever.

I have it posted on Adelaide’s wall as a reminder that the sleep regression, the morning babbles, the tiny fingers with their tightest grip, it will all pass.

And one day I will miss it. Because even now, I’d go through one sleepless newborn night to hold her as a tiny little thing again.

a great motherhood mantra - words to live by when things get hard as a mom, this quote helps me keep perspective

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  1. Yes and yes. Such a good mantra, to remember that the bad times won’t last forever, but also that those precious moments won’t last forever either, so we should enjoy them while they last. A great reminder! Thanks for the post.

  2. this too shall pass and we will miss it. Thank goodness for getting pregnant all over again.

  3. Thank you for this! Sometimes it gets hard to see the sunshine!

  4. Pingback: At Home Activities with Your 6-12 Month Old Baby | Elisabeth McKnight