Coconut Popsicles
Growing up, the end of August felt like the start of Fall as I picked out new clothes and packed up school supplies in a new backpack. With little kids though, it is still very much summer and we’re enjoying all of it.
This afternoon Lincoln and I enjoyed a rather melty treat on the porch while Adelaide napped. Lincoln was thrilled to finally get to hold the popsicle by himself because I decided he’s only this little once (and it’s just mess, right?). I’m not sure how much of the coconut goodness ended up in his mouth because there was so much of it on his hands and shirt, but he was happy and we wandered the yard barefoot afterwards as the first drops of the storm began to fall.
A simple summer moment and I want to remember for a long time. Especially the look on his face when I finally handed him the popsicle to hold.
We wiped up with WaterWipes before heading inside and these have been my most used new discovery with baby #2 (which is embarrassing because I had so many people tell me I needed to get them with Lincoln – I should have listened!). Because WaterWipes are chemical free, I feel comfortable using them to wipe my little guy’s hands and face and they’ve been the best when Linc has a runny nose that needs to be cleaned every three minutes. Plus, I’ve noticed it takes a lot longer for them to dry out (because I leave the container open far too often).
^I asked Lincoln to wipe his face 😛
This video has me wishing one of my babies was this small again (until I remember how newborns sleep) – they’re so little! It also has me determined to do a bit more skin to skin with Adelaide: