Wearing Fall







Happy Monday! I love staring the week after an empowering weekend – Its only 10:30 and the most important things on my to-do list are already checked off. I’ll be back later this week with more about our conference weekend but in the meantime, here’s a favorite fall ensemble.

Just a quick word about these pants. I now understand why people splurge on good denim. I picked these up on super clearance at TJ Maxx and they are glorious. It took self control not to wear them everyday last week. Even better than these pants is the fact that I got these boots while thrifting for less than $5!

Tip of the Week: I’ve been begging (read: suggesting) for months that we take advantage of the TGI Friday $3 appetizer special they run each Thursday. Last week Ben came home and announced we were going. We got there just as it was getting dark and opted to sit alone on the patio while we savored fried zucchini in wasabi ranch (among other things). It was so fun to just sit and talk, without the distractions of technology, and I felt like a sly little genius that we enjoyed like $25 worth of food for $9.

shop the look: 
pants: Vince (similar khakis here
boots: thrifted but almost identical ones here


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  1. I love the pants and I agree that good denim is worth the splurge! And the price you paid for the boots is incredible!

  2. I LOVE this outfit! Also, I always get super jealous when people thrift amazing shoes!!

  3. My absolute favorite pair of jeans was a pair of Michael Kors jeans that I got at a thrift shop. They're amazing! I totally get it 🙂 You look adorable as always!