Sailor Stripes (or that’s what my husband calls them)

Just me, a fabulous striped dress, and the gorgeous trees in our Ohio backyard.

On another note, there is something invigorating about spending a week with almost no technology, no makeup, no fitted clothing, and no first world amenities. Its like stripping down every facade and remembering who you really are (the irony of writing that under a set of pictures showing off my newest materialistic possessions).

Next week, I’m in for just the opposite. We’re off to sin city for a few days- but hey, at least we’ll be together. After traveling apart 4 out of the past five weeks I’m quite grateful for a company who likes to send wives on business trips.

outfit details:

sweater: GAP // dress: Shein // shoes: Nine West

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  1. Hi there!
    Just wanted to stop by and say hi! It's always great to find other midwest bloggers! You have a super cute blog and I can't wait to read more!

    ♥ Samantha

  2. This dress looks fabulous on you and I love the pop of color with the shoes! I live in Ohio too and we do have nice green summers here, don't we(: Looking forward to hearing about what you do in Vegas! Blessings! Susan