
A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip

A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

Happy Monday!

We’re back from a fun whirlwind Cape Cod trip with new friends and while I loved sleeping 9 straight hours in my own bed with no kids in my room last night, we’re already figuring out when we can go back. There was lots of food, only a little sleep, and plenty of hours snuggled up (or chasing babies) while watching General Conference.

Between the sessions of the broadcast on Saturday we made the short drive down to Provincetown, at the end of Cape Cod. It’s a cute little cape town filled with old homes and cute store fronts.

I learned the Mayflower first landed on Cape Cod and I loved seeing the pilgrim monument in Provincetown (set just a little bit back from the beach). My ancestors came over on the Mayflower centuries ago and it was fun to tell Lincoln about his great grandpa, a passenger on the Mayflower, who went on to be a founder in the Plymouth settlement. Lincoln was a little more interested in climbing benches and running into the little shops, but we won’t hold that against him.

Here are a few pictures from our Cape Cod trip:  

A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnightA Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnightA Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnightA Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

^I couldn’t narrow these pictures down 🙂 A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

^the pilgrim monumentA Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight

^quaint New England housesA Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight A Jaunt to Provincetown: Our Cape Cod Trip by Boston lifestyle blogger Elisabeth McKnight


What about you? Ever been on a Cape Cod trip? What should we do next time we go there? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. I’ve never been to Cape Cod, but these pictures are so so gorgeous! You’re making me miss home in upstate NY with all your New England fall pictures 🙂

  2. I’m sorry Lincoln didn’t have the kite I made for him! I do love the Cape!