Christmas Morning 2017
This year we got a taste of the magic of Christmas with kids.
I’m not even sure Lincoln understood what a present was but he understood that the wise men gave baby Jesus gifts and so we were also going to be getting gifts on Christmas morning. In the days leading up he would excitedly point to himself and say “Linc pres!” (Lincoln getting presents) whenever we explained the wise men and gifts and Christmas. Regardless, Christmas morning was magical.
A few things I want to remember:
- The first gift Lincoln got from his stocking was a coloring pad I took out early in the morning to keep him occupied. The next gift he got when we all gathered round to exchange gifts at 8:30 am. I handed him a little wrapped book from his stocking and he excitedly turned the pages of helipcopters. We tried to hand him another present. “No!” he insisted as he kept trying to read his book. As soon as he realized more wrapped things meant more books or toys he kept asking for “more!” each time we handed him something 😛
- His wide eyes as he saw the yellow truck Ben’s parents gave him. “BIIIIGGG Truck!”
- How excited Lincoln was to “Match!” whether it was our family Christmas pajamas or his matching plaid tie with Adelaide’s bow for church later that morning.
Here are just a few more pictures from our morning opening presents:
^girls in green (from her parents, Adelaide got one new outfit – she was just as happy to try and eat wrapping paper) ^My mom gave Benjamin and me these hand-made stockings our first Christmas married and I’ve used them for Christmas every year since. Last year we got two additional matching ones for Lincoln and Adelaide (who was just a tiny fetus making me very sick last Christmas).
^Before he opened any new trucks or cars, and so one of the only times he would sit still on someone’s lap
^He’s been loving duplos for the last few months so in addition to two books, we gave him a small duplo car set.
^one of my goals for 2017 was to learn calligraphy/ hand-lettering and this book and pen set is fantastic! I’ve already spend hours and hours working with them and have been having so much fun (linked at the end of the post).
P.S. I’ve also gotten 4839024 questions about the hand lettering book I got for Christmas and have been LOVING along then pens I use along with it. I’ve linked both of these below and you can see more of my daily doodles + progress over on my instastories.