39 Week Maternity Outfit + Update
Today I’m sharing a 39 week bumpdate and an easy, comfortable maternity outfit for the third trimester. Can’t believe we are just weeks away from meeting this little caboose!

A little 39 week maternity update:
Eating: Takeout. And a lot of cold cereal. And occasionally cooking real meals. Ending most nights with popsicles and pretzels or a bowl of cookie dough ice cream (or a cup of ice from chick-fil-a).
Loving: That my sister gets here so soon. We’ll officially have someone sleeping in the house we can leave with the kids when I go into labor for the next few weeks and it is a big relief.
Hating: The hormonal ups and downs! I forgot how hard the mental game is in the final weeks. It is the balance between not expecting baby to come anytime soon but also making sure each night that I have the essentials ready and a plan in place in case I go into labor.
Feeling: Optimistic. I gave myself permission this last week to stop trying to do all the things. I hired a few babysitters to come play with my 2 year old. We ordered takeout a few times. I am enjoying snuggling up on the couch in the afternoon to read books with my kids and have given up feeling bad that we’re saying no to almost all outdoor afternoon activities (except the pool).
Sleeping: Sleeping is getting harder (is that possible?). I am up for an hour or two most nights just struggling to go back to sleep or with lots of ligament pain. But, Ben is awesome and wakes up with the kids in the morning to get them breakfast (or play tennis with Lincoln at 6:15 am). It is easier to put up with the sleep when I know it can’t be more than another 14 nights.
Missing: Newborn snuggles! Watching friends with similar due dates have babies and share all the darling newborn pictures/moments. I am also really missing being able to give/ receive adequate hugs. It just isn’t the same with a watermelon 😛
Weighing: A tiny bit under my one pound a week regular weight gain from all my pregnancies. I think this is mostly due to the return of the nausea (this is my first pregnancy having nausea in the third trimester) and exercising less than I did in previous pregnancies.
Wearing: I have mostly given up getting dressed these days. There are about 3 tee shirts that cover my bump at this point and I spend most of the day in Legoe sweatpants or bamboo lounge pieces from Kindred Bravely. Miraculously the maternity jeans from Blanqi are still incredibly comfortable and I wear those if I need to be a bit more presentable. Oh, and also sack dresses (anything loose and without a lot of shape).
Planning: Right now I’m planning a nightly labor plan (who will I call, what will each kid do the following day, etc).
Buying: Additional babysitting hours. The hardest right now is just keeping my two year old entertained. He wants to be active and doing things and my body mostly would like to be horizontal. We spend a lot of time reading books, snuggling up to shows, and building magnatile towers. I’ve loved having some babysitters come and scooter with him, play at the park, and adventure outside of our living room.

Maternity Outfit details:
- Shorts: Hatch Maternity
- Top: Hatch Maternity (this colorway is sold out but they have it in white and black)
Also! I’m so excited to be one of Google’s paid early testers for their Thank with Google pilot program! Thank with Google is an experimental feature that lets visitors to a website purchase a virtual sticker to show appreciation for the content on a site.
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