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38 Week Pregnancy Update

We are finally down to the wire!
I had my first appointment with my new doctor here in the suburbs today and had a quick tour of the hospital I’ll be delivering at.
I’ve been having contractions on and off for the last few days which is also exciting. With Adelaide, though, I remember the morning I went into labor I didn’t say anything for the first hour or so of regular contractions because I already felt like “the boy who cried wolf” because I’d claimed I was going into labor to Ben and my mom (who was in town for the anticipated birth) already. So while I get a bit excited about each set of contractions I’m trying to keep the mental plan of having a baby in another 2+ weeks. We’ll see.

Here’s a little 38 week update:

Favorite Moments: Putting the crib in the baby’s room! We still don’t have everything finished and ready BUT the baby has a going home outfit and a place to sleep when we get back so that is a huge win. There’s also the couple times a week that Lincoln exclaims in a very high pitched voice “I’m so excited for our baby to come out! I just can’t wait!” And I about melt every. single. time.

Eating: ALL OF THE ICE CHIPS. I discovered Chick-fil-a will sell you a big bag of their ice for $2-$3 and I’ve been having a cup or two a day. I also went in Target the other day just to get a cup of ice. It is an addiction.  I’m also still a huge fan of pretzel crisps and coconut popsicles.

Feeling: Ready to be done being pregnant. I know, I know babies are lower maintenance on the inside than on the outside and it will be useful to have a little more time to get things done.

Names: We have a few we like. Lincoln currently wants to name the baby “Eat” so the baby will be “very good at eating.”

Craving: Ice. All the time. And naps.

Weight Gain: I’ve pretty consistently gained a pound a week, so I’m about 38 pounds up from my pre-pregnancy weight. I don’t feel as huge as I did in previous pregnancies and the pants I wore this time around with Adelaide are still too big…but I think that is mainly due to not exercising as much and having less muscle in general this pregnancy.

Aches or Pains: I’ve been having contractions for the last few days which is exciting and was dilated to a 3 at my appointment this morning! There is also the worsening ligament pain and lots of lower back pain at this point in pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes: Most of them don’t fit anymore. There are very few shirts that cover my whole belly so I mostly rely on wearing full panel maternity jeans so if the shirt rides up a bit it doesn’t matter too much. And dresses. I love my maternity dresses (just not for parenting toddlers all day).

My Mood: I am easily set off these days. I blame the combination of heat, discomfort, hormones, and the contractions these last few days. I’ve found myself saying “mom needs a bit of space” every so often and taking a few minutes to just breathe. Either that or snapping at my kids.

Exercise: Not so much. Just being a mom right now feels like as much exercise as I can handle. I have had a burst of energy the last few days and went to the gym twice. But half an hour of squats + stretching is about it.

To-do: I still need to finish putting the nursery together which really means buy a changing table. We have a glider, a crib, some baby clothes and diapers. I’m waiting on a package or two of things for my hospital bag and I’m relying on amazon 1 day shipping or a grocery store run on our way home from the hospital for post partum care essentials for me. Typing that though, I should probably just go pick up a few things (pads, numbing spray, tucks, etc) for when I get home.

Excited About: Going into labor! And being done being pregnant! And meeting this baby! And having the kids meet this baby! And a few days at home with just me and Ben and a newborn while the big kids are at my parents (it sounds like bliss right now).


outfit details: 

dress: Tiffany Rose (the fabric on this is SO beautiful and stretchy and soft and silky and comfortable. I wish everything I was wearing at this point could be made out of this fabric)

shoes: Madewell cage sandals, last season


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P.S. Also chopped all my hair off a week and a half ago. I’m still figuring out what to do with it. I’m loving how it is lower maintenance but missing my long hair on the rare days I actually do it.

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