Polka Dots and Peter Pan Collars






skirt: thrifted // tights // blouse (similar here, here, and here) // belt (option)  // boots: Nine West (love these)

Thanks for all the kind words – I’m feeling a bit better and am starting to enjoy the taste of food again (successfully devoured this little dish after photographing it this morning and just finished a bowl of cereal for dinner, apparently I got breakfast and dinner mixed up today).

We’re headed to Columbus this weekend for a little getaway and if any of you locals have food or fun recommendations, I’m all ears. We seem to be living weekend to weekend these days and I just can’t wait for the very long weekend we call Christmas.

I found these pictures hiding on my drive from a month ago and I can’t believe how much the weather has changed since then. Today I nearly got frostbite photographing outside for 15 minutes in multiple layers and last month I was fine in a blouse? For this outfit to cut it now I’d layer a sweater over this peter pan blouse and add a coat (or two or seven).

Do Good Wish Social Media Tonight: Remember last month when I shared those fun vlogs about that Ford collaboration? Well tonight at 9 (eastern time) Ford Fiesta and What’s Trending are hosting a full two hour Tube-a-thon featuring fundraising, comedy, music, performances, and plenty of surprises from great YouTube stars. You can watch it online here and tweet along with the hashtag #Tubeathon or #FiestaMovement. For every tweet with one of those hashtags, they’ll donate $1to Covenant House, so tweet a little and feel good about it tonight!


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  1. Oh my word, this is the cutest! That top is just a dream, and I love your tights too!