Merry Christmas From Our Family, to Yours

Last year on Christmas I shared the words to one of my very favorite Christmas songs. It is the story of a Shepherd who was fast asleep when the angels came and told of Jesus’ birth. He sings of his initial disbelief of the tale of the other shepherds, “Why would a God from heaven, come to the world this way? Why in a lowly stable would the Messiah lay? I shook my head and asked them, to tell their story one more time.” But, the shepherd feels something while he listens to the story and extends an invitation, “As the world moves on through time, there will be more stories just like mine, of people who have chosen to believe, in something that they never got to see. So do you think you’ll join us though you’ve not seen a thing? You were not there in Bethlehem to hear the angels sing. But if you feel the Spirit in the air, then just like me you’ll know that He was here.” 
God is around us always, but I believe at Christmas the distance between heaven and earth is shorter, it is easier to feel His presence as the world celebrates the birth of our Savior. I know that you weren’t there to watch His birth, His incredible life, and His powerful death. I know that many of you may think this means you cannot know Him. But, like the shepherd, I believe that He came and He will come again. Christmas reminds me of God’s love for all of us, and for the joy He brings me. If you are looking for an added measure of peace and joy this season, I invite you to get to know your Savior. He loves you and He wants to have a personal relationship with you, if you’ll let him in. 

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

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  1. Well said 🙂

    And – love the pic, what a gorgeous location! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas

  2. Beautiful post. More people need to know what the true reason for this season is. The photos are absolutely gorgeous as well!

    Thanks so much for linking up with the GFC Collective, now following you as well. Looking forward to getting to know you better 🙂

  3. Your Christmas pictures are adorable! You two look so cute together! Thanks for visiting and following my blog! I followed back 🙂 Cute blog!!

    Summer x

  4. I actually read the post this time….and glad I did. Jesus, our Savior & Redeemer, is the true reason for the season. Some of us get away from the true reason around Christmas time. Even myself. My son knows who Santa is but does he know why we celebrate Christmas? So I had to tell him in a way a 4 year-old would understand, it's Jesus's Birthday and we celebrate it by loving each other and appreciating each other. And sometimes we show that by giving gifts to people we care for. But thanks for this post and sharing the song.

  5. I think your Christmas photo has been one of my favorites! I love it of you both… I hope you all have a great Christmas 🙂