DIY Smores Pot
Today we’re talking all about how to put together these easy DIY Smore pots!
So I had grand plans for our weekend. They included camping (when I was feeling ambitious) or at least spending a couple hours into the late evening at the camp ground and roasting s’mores + enjoying a summer night outdoors. The weather wasn’t on board though, and we found ourselves snuggled up for most of the weekend listening to the thunder and watching the lightning through the windows.
But when you’re set on having s’mores, nothing will quite satisfy that need for a roasted marshmallow. So, between storms on Saturday we resisted the urge to set up the tent on the back porch but did haul out our cooler I’d packed with drinks for the weekend + made this incredibly easy smores pot to pretend we went camping after all.
First off, MAKE THIS SMORES POT right now. Or after a quick trip to Lowes (or Amazon from your couch), if you don’t happen to have a terra cotta pot and charcoal lying around. All I did was line a pot (like this one) with tin foil and fill with charcoal and presto, we had our own little fire pit perfect for the back deck. The pot was less than a dollar so even if we never use it again – totally worth it.
A few more pictures:
^We upgraded our cheapo college cooler to this one from one of our favorite outdoor brands and can’t wait to take it on climbing trips!
^How fun would it be to have an outdoor s’mores party with lots of these tiny smores pots down the middle of a table?
^suuuuper easy: 1 pot + a bit of tin foil + a handful of charcoal + a match = personal smores roasting device (oh and we used old hangers as our roasting sticks – we just heated the ends in the flame before we put our marshmallow on it)
^did you know Reeces now come in bar form? Perfect for your smores pot (also, I’m thinking next time I need to get a bit more creative in my s’more trappings ..ideas?)
^the mango flavor was quite a bit better than the watermelon
^Virgil’s Black Cherry Cream Soda – I think IBC might have just been replaced as my new favorite soda (sorry Mom)
^almost as good as actually camping right? especially because we got to end the evening in an air conditioned room on a real mattress…