Cozy Pajamas for Halloween
We kept Halloween cozy this year, and used it as the perfect excuse to order three more pairs of our favorite cozy pajamas.
All three of us (and Ben when he joins in) have rocked striped cozy pajamas to a few different Halloween parties and then tonight to trick-or-treating at Beacon Hill, the cutest Boston neighborhood.
Have you heard of Hanna Andersson before? (not a sponsored post) I grew up wearing Hanna Andersson cozy pajamas and play dresses and Lincoln had his first pair before he was even born because they’re our very favorite. Adelaide can now wear all of Lincoln’s hand-me-downs and these organic cotton wonders hold up better than anything else. Plus, there’s just something awesome about dressing your kids things you have memories in (well, not the exact pajamas – but you get the idea).
This year Hanna Andersson had little costume add-ons for their cozy pajamas and I knew they’d be perfect. For the last five days of Halloween parties it’s been so nice to have comfortable, happy kids (who I can just put immediately into bed once we get home :P)
Plus, now that Halloween is (almost) over we have a nice start to a dress up bin. Lincoln’s already been mixing and matching various costume pieces and I love seeing his imagination run wild with them. At this age he can’t put on a full costume by himself but a pair of ears, goggles, or a hat? No problem 🙂
A few things I want to remember about Halloween this year:
- Lincoln was a tad terrified of the elaborately decorated brownstones in Beacon Hill. He politely requested, each time he finished carefully selecting a single piece of candy from a stoop, “pwease pick me up mommy, everyfing is scary!”
- Adelaide spent most of trick or treating in the stroller but when I put Lincoln in and got her out for a few houses at the end, she LIT up. She would run (run? toddle very fast?) up to each stoop and take as much candy as she could, hand it to me, and run on to the next stoop (or try to run back to the same one).
- The first thing Lincoln asked to eat this morning was candy.
- Lincoln and his little friend switched costumes halfway through our church halloween party on Saturday.
- Ben and I snuck out after the kids were in bed tonight and Ben went as a “safe space” (did you see his costume on my instastories?) and I borrowed Adelaide’s fox ears and tail because the striped pajama costume works infinitely better when you’re accompanied by two cute toddlers.
- Lincoln was TERRIFIED of the dinosaur at a halloween party last week and still talks about it, asking each time I say we’re heading to a halloween event if there will be a scary dinosaur there.
- Ben and I have officially entered the wonderful parenting stage of stealing our kids halloween candy once they’re in bed. It’s great.
p.s. This isn’t a sponsored post but I’d love to work with HA at some point!
My pajamas are stocked here and my elephant ears I ordered here for under $10.
Lincoln’s pilot costume + pajamas (the suggested color was sold out in his size so I got the red + grey)
Adelaide’s kid’s fox costume + pajamas
a million more pictures:
Happy Halloween!