A Birthday Running Tradition
Earlier this summer my baby brother came into town to celebrate his 25th birthday. The morning started with a sunrise hike for half of the family (not the half that tended young children) and then we all met at the high school track.
The goal?
25 miles for 25 years.
100 laps.
We did it communal style, with the boys running the bulk of it and everyone else contributing laps as they could.
Lincoln ran/walked/toddled at least a mile and Adelaide pushed her walker around almost half a lap.
Even my 90 year old grandparents came and contributed 4 laps each.
We brought water bottles, a portable speaker, and a white board to keep track of how far we’d gone. Each time you completed a lap (or a mile if you didn’t want to stop every time you ran by), you marked it down on the white board. Sometimes, if we were pushing babies in the stroller, we’d count their laps, too.
And you know what? It was SO much fun. We were all outside, together, working toward a common goal. I loved watching Lincoln cheer on the runners and see them high five Adelaide as they’d run past.
Luckily we had lots of family (my grandparents, parents, siblings, and kids) to participate but this would be such a fun birthday tradition to do with friends, too. Just invite everyone to the track or field during a certain window of time (say, between 8 and 11 am). You could have donuts or bagels to munch on or lemonade for everyone when you’ve met your goal.
Now we just have to decide if we’re doing it for my 27th birthday this fall or waiting ’till it’s Lincoln’s 3rd birthday 😉
outfit details: My top + bottoms were a gift from Calia by Carrie Underwood, a favorite fitness brand I’ve been wearing for a few years now. I’m always super impressed with the quality, even after my favorite pieces have had years of use. (click here for the top and here for the bottoms)
A few more pictures: