As Me, I’m Mormon: Why I don’t drink alcohol

Last month I got a comment on facebook: 
“Hey Elizabeth, I read your blog and I always assumed the reason you stressed that the non-alcoholic (but alcoholic-looking) beverages you drank were non-alcoholic was because you were under 21, but I suddenly realized that you might’ve already had your birthday and the thought struck me that maybe in Mormonism you’re not allowed alcohol ever?? So anyway I googled it and I think that’s the case and I was just wondering if you could explain that a little bit (either in your blog or here on facebook) Thanks, I don’t know much about mormonism but I’m always interested in learning about people’s customs! Keep up the blog, it’s really sweet. “

And then I went to NYC for the Model UN competition and got 100 more questions. 
And so I want to start answering them here on this little blog of mine. If you have a question you want answered feel free to leave a comment (anonymous if you’d like) or email me at 

 Why I don’t drink Alcohol, at all: 

When I was eight, I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). At that time I promised that I would take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, always remember Him, and keep all of His commandments.

Continuing Revelation
In the LDS church, we believe in continuing revelation. God is the same “yesterday, today, and forever” and I know that He loves His children on the earth today as much as He loved them two thousand years ago. So, just as He called prophets to lead and direct His people in the times of Moses, He has a prophet on the earth today to lead and guide us. In the Mormon church we believe to Bible to be the Word of God as well as the Book of Mormon. We also know that God continues to speak today and gives us more of His Word specific to the time period we live in.

Word of Wisdom
In 1833 the “Word of Wisdom” was revealed from God to Joseph Smith, the prophet of the church. This “Word of Wisdom” is a health code that we still live by today. It includes things such as not drinking alcohol, coffee, or tea. It emphasizes not using any addictive substances (ie: drugs, tobacco, coffee- and as a result I choose not to really drink caffeine either).  It also talks about getting exercise, eating healthy, and the blessings of health and strength that come from keeping this code. You can read it and learn more about it here.

My Take
God is all knowing and has given us commandments as a way to live our lives that lead to the greatest amount of happiness. Did you know that in 1833 when the Word of Wisdom was revealed, no one knew there was anything wrong with smoking? I follow the Word of Wisdom because I promised God I would do so. I know that I am blessed in part because it helps me be a heathy person, and in part because I am simply blessed for being obedient.

I do not believe there is anything wrong with having a cup of coffee, or a sip of wine, unless of course you have covenanted (promised) God that you wouldn’t. The Bible is clear that getting drunk is a sin, but the reason I abstain from alcohol altogether is because I have promised God I would.

I have a slight obsession with thin stemmed glasses – so these are some of the pictures that gave me away 🙂 

Toasting to a kiss: Whenever a roommate kissed a boy she had to buy the rest martinellis (sparking cider).  
My favorite Mocktail bar for my 20th birthday. 
Cranberry juice with my pastry one afternoon recently. 

Disclaimer: All views here are my own and while I try to accurately portray the official stance of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, none of us are perfect. 

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  1. Hi! Thanks for explaining your beliefs. I have a quick question to ask. While I think that it is great that you are so dedicated to God and the promises that you made to Him, I am confused about the contradicting views of the Bible and the "Word of Wisdom." Romans 14 tells us that one who is strong in faith knows that he/she can eat whatever he/she wants because Jesus is greater than all tiny Old Testament rules. He came to absolve those so we don't have to sacrifice sheep every time we sin. The Bible does command us to not be drunk on anything so we can keep our minds set on Jesus, but why does that include not having a glass of wine? Especially when Jesus drank wine with His disciples as a way of remembering Him?

    Thanks so much for reading this and I would love a response back!

  2. Thanks Elisabeth! Once again such awesome insight into your world and the values that Mormons live by. Very interesting. Also your alcoholic-looking non-alcoholic drinks are all so cute! I wanna learn to make mocktails like that. 🙂

    p.s. What about naturally decaffinated tea? (some black teas, fruit teas, etc)

  3. We had similar roommate rules in college:
    hold hands=m&ms
    kiss=ice cream

  4. Hey, I'm Rachel. I love your blog. I thought this post was well said. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for your comment:) I follow you back. Really nice post, I'm not Mormon but I rarely drink alcohol, almost never.

  6. Thanks for this post!
    It is so interested in seeing how different denominations interpret the Bible! I just had a conversation with my friends last weekend about their denomination too- I think it makes the world a better place when we all understand the differences out there!
    Great, well writen, eye-opening post!!
    Happy Day!

  7. Thanks for this post!
    It is so interested in seeing how different denominations interpret the Bible! I just had a conversation with my friends last weekend about their denomination too- I think it makes the world a better place when we all understand the differences out there!
    Great, well writen, eye-opening post!!
    Happy Day!

  8. What I don’t understand is why many Mormons (based on other blogs I read) gladly drink Dr. Pepper, Coca Cola, and even Red Bull, yet draw the line when it comes to black or green tea. The caffeine content in soft drinks versus tea is roughly equivalent, yet tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and studies show it even has cardiovascular benefits. Soft drinks, on the other hand, contain tons of sugar, high acidity, artificial colors and flavors, and no health benefits that I’m aware of. Seems a bit strange to me.

  9. to anonymous #1:
    Thanks for your comment and questions! In reading those certain passages in Romans 14 I understand that there is nothing in and of itself "unclean" before God, meaning that in the same way God asked people to abstain from preparing meats a certain way and certain "unclean" meats altogether, it is okay to eat those now. I also believe that Christ came to fulfill the old testament laws and so we no longer follow the law of Moses. And yes, the Bible commands not to be drunk but does not forbid a single glass of wine. This is what brings us to the continuing revelation that I talked about – just as God gave Moses a law for his people, Noah guidance for his people, and Christ taught truth to people on the Earth during His ministry, God continues to speak to us today. I don't know why God asked us to abstain from alcohol in the world of wisdom. I could guess that it is a law written for the weakest of us, or that we abstain from being drunk to focus on God and alcohol in general to show obedience, but those are just guesses – and I can't possibly presume to understand God's reasons. I know that in different times Christ has given different guidance to His children and in our time and dispensation these are the words that we need. Again though, these are things God has revealed for our health and our benefit – but unless you have promised God you are going to abstain from drinking altogether, I don't believe that anyone who has a glass of wine is sinning. I hope that makes sense? (if you'd like to remain anonymous thats fine but if you email me at it might be easier to have a conversation about this – I'd love to talk to you and get more of your insight 🙂

  10. to anonymous #2

    Yeah, to be honest that is weird to me too. In the word of wisdom it is cut and dry on some things, including alcohol, tea, and coffee. I look at that and choose not to drink caffeine at all (with the exception of an occasional hot chocolate) to make sure that I don't get addicted to something harmful to my body. The Lord tells us that He wont command us in all things, and I think here He has left it up for people to interpret. This is a response of the Latter Day Saint website ( that was published a few years back:

    "Doctrine and Covenants 89:9 says we shouldn’t drink “hot drinks.” The only official interpretation of this term is the statement made by early Church leaders that it means tea and coffee. Caffeine is not specifically mentioned as the reason not to drink these drinks.

    However, we should keep in mind this counsel given by President Boyd K. Packer: “The Word of Wisdom was ‘given for a principle with promise’ (D&C 89:3). … A principle is an enduring truth, a law, a rule you can adopt to guide you in making decisions. Generally principles are not spelled out in detail. Members write in asking if this thing or that is against the Word of Wisdom. … We teach the principle together with the promised blessings. There are many habit-forming, addictive things that one can drink or chew or inhale or inject which injure both body and spirit which are not mentioned in the revelation. … Obedience to counsel will keep you on the safe side of life” (“The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises,” Ensign, May 1996, 17–18)."

  11. I really appreciate how open you are about your beliefs. It is refreshing.

  12. I love this! I love how strong you are and like you said no one is perfect but I love how you are striving to become the best person you can be!! Thanks for standing for truth and righteousness in all things you do!

  13. Who cares about alcohol? Mormon or not, I found it a little odd/pathetic/unnecessary for grown "adults" to depend on fermented goo to relax/enjoy/have fun. I thought pacifiers were only for babies?

    Instead relying on some chemical reaction sitting in a wine cellar or brewery somewhere to give me a good time, I just think how much I enjoy life when I'm fully present and in the moment. Life gives me high enough of a high. I don't need a drink to "let loose", "unwind", or "escape". Life is for living! Alcohol? Meh. Alcohol is for nothing.