As Me, I’m Mormon: Why I don’t drink alcohol
Why I don’t drink Alcohol, at all:
When I was eight, I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). At that time I promised that I would take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, always remember Him, and keep all of His commandments.
Continuing Revelation
In the LDS church, we believe in continuing revelation. God is the same “yesterday, today, and forever” and I know that He loves His children on the earth today as much as He loved them two thousand years ago. So, just as He called prophets to lead and direct His people in the times of Moses, He has a prophet on the earth today to lead and guide us. In the Mormon church we believe to Bible to be the Word of God as well as the Book of Mormon. We also know that God continues to speak today and gives us more of His Word specific to the time period we live in.
Word of Wisdom
In 1833 the “Word of Wisdom” was revealed from God to Joseph Smith, the prophet of the church. This “Word of Wisdom” is a health code that we still live by today. It includes things such as not drinking alcohol, coffee, or tea. It emphasizes not using any addictive substances (ie: drugs, tobacco, coffee- and as a result I choose not to really drink caffeine either). It also talks about getting exercise, eating healthy, and the blessings of health and strength that come from keeping this code. You can read it and learn more about it here.
My Take
God is all knowing and has given us commandments as a way to live our lives that lead to the greatest amount of happiness. Did you know that in 1833 when the Word of Wisdom was revealed, no one knew there was anything wrong with smoking? I follow the Word of Wisdom because I promised God I would do so. I know that I am blessed in part because it helps me be a heathy person, and in part because I am simply blessed for being obedient.
I do not believe there is anything wrong with having a cup of coffee, or a sip of wine, unless of course you have covenanted (promised) God that you wouldn’t. The Bible is clear that getting drunk is a sin, but the reason I abstain from alcohol altogether is because I have promised God I would.
Toasting to a kiss: Whenever a roommate kissed a boy she had to buy the rest martinellis (sparking cider). |
My favorite Mocktail bar for my 20th birthday. |
Cranberry juice with my pastry one afternoon recently. |
Disclaimer: All views here are my own and while I try to accurately portray the official stance of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, none of us are perfect.